News 04 September 2019

Whitegate Cubs visit to Storengy

Wednesday 4th September 2019 was National Wildlife Day and what better an opportunity to invite Whitegate Cubs to visit our site. 

bee on flower

Wednesday 4th September 2019 was National Wildlife Day and what better an opportunity to invite Whitegate Cubs to visit our site and understand more about our Bio-Diversity Project.

Last year Whitegate Scout Group were asked if they could make some Bird Boxes for our Award Winning Bio-Diversity Project and Storengy UK Ltd kindly provided the materials.  The Scouts measured and cut the wood and the Cubs made the Bird Box one pack night last winter with great enthusiasm and team work.  The Bird Boxes have now been put up around our stunning 1,000 acre site.  During the Cub visit the children were asked to find 3 of the Bird Boxes and identify the trees they were on.  Afterwards the Cubs visited our Allotment and enjoyed identifying the Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs which have been grown by our staff. 


The Cubs were asked what wildlife and farm life they had spotted upon entering our site and they reeled off a list which included Birds, Cows and our Bee Hives.  The Cubs were shown pictures of Hares, Moths, Flowers, Dragonflies and Birds all taken on site this summer and asked to identify the creatures which they thoroughly enjoyed.

It was important for the Cubs to understand what Storengy UK Ltd does and they enjoyed visiting the Control Room to learn about our Caverns.  They especially enjoyed looking at the huge control panel and watching the large desks move up and down.   They were amazed to learn the Shift Operators worked on Christmas Day and that the site was operated all through the night when the Cubs were tucked up asleep in bed.  Later on in the evening we had a quick quiz and were pleased that the Cubs could remember what they had learnt about our Caverns.

The Cubs and Volunteers enjoyed some Hot Dogs in the Kitchen and the children then made and ate some Fruit Kebabs before heading home after a very enjoyable visit.

Working in partnership with Storengy UK Ltd,  Whitegate Cubs have learned more about the World around us and the role our company continually plays in transitioning to a Zero net carbon future.  The Cubs have also worked towards their Naturalist, Team Work and Skills Badge and are looking forward to future projects with Storengy UK Ltd.

Discover more about our Biodiversity Project

Gail Young